Thursday, November 19, 2015

Alaska Winter Nights Hat

With just 5-6 hours of daylight a day, winters in Alaska can be long and daunting. Add to that the bitter cold from below zero temperatures which we are currently on for a few days now. It is beautiful, though... like a picture perfect winter scene straight out of a Christmas card.

There are actually a couple of inspirations for this hat: our Alaska winter nights and the reminder that I had from a book. I am currently reading Max Lucado's Traveling Light which is a great book that talks about how we can turn to God and entrust Him instead of some of our daily baggage: burdens that are not meant for us to bear. View my Instagram post.

At this time, I would like to share with you some features from this hat, The pattern is pretty straightforward but I will be working on a PDF version soon which I will eventually post here.

I used a pair of US 8 knitting needles and 100% acrylic yarn of the same brand in 4 colors. The first 10 rows was a (K2, P2) rib, followed by stockinette for the rest of the hat. I started with a dark gray for the first 2 bottom rows of colorway, followed by another 2 rows with silver gray, and 1 row of white. This was followed by the decrease rows and ultimately turning to the white color for the top of the hat until fastening off.

That said: I think it's neat to be able to find inspirations for our craft, whatever it may be. I personally have a sense of satisfaction whenever ideas come from unexpected sources. So, my friends, let's continue to challenge ourselves. Let us stay alert and be engaged. An idea or two is just out there for us to discover.

Thank you for visiting and happy knitting!